Portfolio Management

We recognize that every journey is different, but the need for thorough planning is universal. Your advisor will help select the portfolio which best matches your individual goals. Remember, financial planning is a process, not an event. To get the most out of a plan, we will need to stay focused on your goals and make adjustments along the way.

Leveraging Technology

Some people would have you believe that investing relies the skill of the advisor or that it is some sort of art form. This couldn't be further than the truth. Returns come from the market, not the advisor, and our technological resources are designed to weigh potential returns against risks, tax consequences, and income efficiency.

Our Process Makes It Easy

We will start with an analysis of your existing investments and make sure they are suitable for your personal situation. During this time we will also review your goals, and how they fall in line with your savings patterns and stage of life.


How We Manage Your Portfolio

Step 1. Evaluate Risk
Our portfolios are ordered by risk and easy to understand. The TRUE MARKET 75 for example is 75% equities and 25% fixed income. Thus it is expected to have more risk than the TRUE MARKET 50 or TRUE MARKET 25.

Step 2. Diversification
Exchange Traded Index funds allow our portfolios to purchase thousands of unique holdings in nearly two dozen asset classes. This opens opportunities for investments around the globe.

Step 3. High Liquidity
All of your investments will enjoy a high level of liquidity. By avoiding certain investment classes, we may earn lower returns, but experience has taught us that the ability to move quickly is often more valuable.

Step 4. Low Expenses
As your fiduciary, it is our duty to seek out the lowest cost funds possible. We will never accept kickbacks, in anyform. Most of our portfolios have expense ratios below .09%.

Step 5. Rebalance Regularly
The key to successful investing as everyone knows is to buy low, and sell high. When we rebalance your account we take the growth and earnings (SellingHigh) and re-allocating money to struggling asset classes (Buying Low). This helps manage your risk and reduces the effects of market bubbles.

Step 6. Re-Evaluate Holdings
We are always looking for ways to improve our portfolios and investment companies continue to develop new products and lower costs to remain competitive. Our analysts are continually stress testing, pricing, and evaluating toe efficiency of our holdings. If something better comes long, you'll hear about it from us.